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Peter Eschbach pointing at a screen displaying input from the Quanta 600F.

Let us help you solve your problem. We not only have the only open Titan with Chemi-STEM technology, we have friendly staff that are experts in sample preparation.

The Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF) provides advanced electron microscopy instrumentation services to Oregon State University and in addition is a pay for service lab for industry. Our instruments are checked for calibration against NIST traceable standards every there months.

Inventory of analytical instruments and specialized tools

FEI Titan 80-200 TEM/STEM with ChemiSTEM Capability

The FEI Titan 80-200/ChemiSTEM Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) with well maintained GIF Tridiem is regularly used to generate high quality STEM EDS maps using its four Bruker SDD detectors.

Learn more about the FEI Titan 


The FEI Quanta 3D Field Emission Dual Beam Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM/FIB) with EDAX EBSD is equipped with a focused ion beam. This SEM functions permit microscopic observations of a specimen while the FIB functions allows cutting of your sample.

Learn more about the Quanta 3D 

Helios 650 Ultra Resolution Dual Beam FEG SEM

FEI Helios 650 dual beam, high resolution SEM with MAPS 2.0 and AutoSlicenView Generation 3 and retractable backscatter, STEM.

Learn more about the Helios 650 

FEI QUANTA 600F environmental SEM

The FEI Quanta 600F Field Emission Environmental SEM with insertable backscatter and Cathode Luminescence is ideally suited for microscopy of uncoated non-conductive and hydrated specimens, and for studies of dynamic processes involving changes in specimen temperature and/or state of hydration.

Learn more about the FEI Quanta 600F