The OSU Titan TEM with ChemiSTEM capability. The Titan is now regularly used to generate high quality STEM EDS maps using its four Bruker SDD detectors. It also has recently been used to generate published Tomograms of nanomaterials for internal OSU customers. In addition, the accelerating voltage can be reduced to 80 keV for enhanced contrast on lower molecular weight samples from Biology and or Graphene.
- Field emission electron source, XFEG for high brightness and stability compared with Tecnai.
- Triple Lens that enables variable convergence angle on the multifunction knobs for fine tuning CBED and or EELS data.
- Selectable beam acceleration voltages, 80-200 kilovolts
- 0.24 nm TEM image resolution; information limit 0.11 nm
- Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) with imaging resolution 0.16 nm
- X-ray energy spectrometer (EDS, with four embedded Bruker SDD detectors), for elemental chemical composition, elemental distribution mapping, and line profile element analyses using ChemiSTEM technology
- EFTEM and EELS are working although our EELS mapping is via TIA and not as sensitive as the EELS mapping done with digiscan into digital micrograph. But, spectral EELS is very high quality.
- High angle annular dark field detector (HAADF) with variable camera length for tunable contrast
- Electron diffraction using selected area, micro-diffraction, and convergent-beam methods
- Equipped for in-situ heating experiments up to 900°C
- Cryogenic stage and transfer station for frozen specimen microscopy also supports the cryo ultramicrotome we have in house.
- Integrated 3D Tomography image reconstruction using in house Avizo
- Image capture via UltraScan 1000XP model 994 digital camera
This microscope was funded by:
- National Science Foundation (NSF-MRI Award #1040588)
- M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust (Murdock Foundation 2010129:JVZ)
- Oregon Nanoscience & Microtechnologies Institute (ONAMI)
- OSU Research Office
- Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, Engineering, Forestry, Science, and Veterinary Medicine