
- SEM resolution of .8 nm at 15 keV
- Monochromated (Unicolor, UC) column with excellent low voltage imaging
- SEM resolution of .9 nm with UC on at 1kV
- Variable landing energy
- STEM reslution .6 nm at 30 keV
- In lens detector, Everhart-Thornley, ICE detector (large ion detector or grandpa sized CDM) retractable backscatter with selectable quadrants, and retractable STEM
- Ion beam resolution of 4 nm at 30 kV
- Tomahawk ion gun with usable 65 nA beam
- MAPS software
- Auto Slicen View Gen 3
- Piezo stage with Uber stability
- Easy lift for truly easy TEM sample prep
- Built in Plasma Cleaner and Cryo Can or much reduced contamination
- Nav Cam
- Microsocpe Operationg System 5.5
- Under Warranty until October 11th, 2016 after that date will be on service contract.
- GE 8 kVA backup power supply for worry free operation and maximum up time