Current Facility Staff
Peter Eschbach
Peter has been working with electron beams and or lasers/optics since 1985. He started out his professional career in lasers and optics at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 1990 and then moved to Hewlett Packard in 2001 to work in failure analysis with both optical and electron microscopes.
His specialty is SEM FIB prep, having honed his skills under the tutelage of Ron Kelley (now with FEI-Thermo Fisher) and Randy Burgess ( retired HP). Randy and Ron learned under Dual beam pioneers like Bob Marshall, and Walt Spencer (dec) all retired HP employees.
Peter is also a graduate of the Lehigh STEM course (taught by Chris Keily, Mashashi Watanabe, and Alynn Eades), the EDAX EBSD course (taught by Stewart Wright) and the Gatan EELS and EFTEM course (taught by Ray Twesten).
Pete has a broad background in Materials Science, Atmospheric Science (MS UCLA) and Physics (MS WSU) ultimately earning his Ph.D. in materials science while attending night school at WSU Tri Cities in 2002. Thesis was under Professor Larry Olsen and centered on device physics and characterization of Copper Indium di Selenide Solar Cells.
Rebecca Jackson
Rebecca joined the OSU's Electron Microscopy Facility in March of 2023. She has been working in the electron microscopy field for ten years. She studied at and received her training from the Electron Microscopy program at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, CA. She moved to Texas in 2013 to work at the Electron Microscopy Core Facility at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. There, she employed various techniques to process and prepare an assortment of biological samples, including brain, heart, intestine, and bacteria and other cells for both the TEM and the SEM. She has experience in room temperature tissue processing, negative staining of proteins and small organelles, and ultra-thin sectioning of resin embedded samples, with and without utilizing CLEM. She also spent her time giving tours of the facility to various groups, and training users how to independently operate the microscopes and processes their own samples.
Yaya Kiss
Yaya is an incoming fourth year undergraduate studying Biochemistry and Biophysics at OSU. She has been working part time at the Electron Microscopy Facility since April of 2022.
Honorary Lab Member - Ella
Honorary Lab Member - Ella
Meet Pete's adventurous doggo, Ella! Ella loves her fishing trips!
Honorary Lab Member - Daisy
Honorary Lab Member - Daisy
Daisy is Rebecca's fun-loving doggo! She loves adventures around Corvallis!